WHEREAS, the objectives for which this fraternity is formed are to develop the ideals of Brotherhood, Service, and Scholarship: to promote the general welfare of all concerned and to organize a chapter of this fraternity in accordance with its certificate of incorporation filed in the office of the Recorder of Deed of the District of Columbia on the 29th Day of April 1920.
NOW, THEREFORE, we bind ourselves to carry out this objective and agree to abide by the following Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 1. The Chapter shall be known as Theta Beta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. Its objectives shall be to advance the ideals of Brotherhood and Service, promote Education and Scholarship; develop an appreciation of our culture, and to foster such programs as may be indicated by these objectives.
Section 1. Membership in Theta Beta Sigma Chapter shall be limited to college men who have completed at least one grade period in a recognized college or university, they shall meet all requirements as prescribed by the National Constitution of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and they shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter upon meeting such other requirements and qualifications as the By-Laws of the Chapter may require. Membership or non-membership in a particular race or belonging to a particular religion or being of a particular national origin shall not be a requirement for membership in this Chapter.
Section 2. No person who is or has been a member of another intercollegiate fraternity other than an honorary or professional fraternity shall be eligible for membership in this Fraternity or Chapter.
Section 3. Any member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated shall be admitted as a member to this Chapter upon the payment of the required national, regional, and local chapter dues.
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Section 4. Active membership of Theta Beta Sigma Chapter consists of those who pay local, regional, and national dues.
Section 1. The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary. In addition, the Chapter shall also elect the Directors of Education, Social Action, Bigger and Better Business, Public Relations, Parliamentarian, and Chaplain. These officers are the members of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Chapter, appoint the following officers: Director of Collegiate Affairs, Legal Counsel, and Sergeant at Arms.
Section 1. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Chapter and shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board. He shall explain and decide all questions of order, appoint all chairmen and members of committees provided for in the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Procedure. (He shall serve as ex-officio chairman of all committees, with the exception of the nominating committee). He shall see that the meetings are conducted with decorum and discipline and shall exercise due care that his attitude be at all times fair and impartial. He shall display a good working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and shall carry out all provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Procedure. He shall sign all official documents of the Chapter.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall be prepared to assume the office of President and shall assume such office in the event of the absence, death, disablement, or removal of the President. He shall head or supervise such Committees as may be designated by the By-Laws and/or the President. A primary responsibility of this office shall be recruitment and retention.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Board; taking care to record the maker and the seconding voice of all motions as well as the record of the outcome of all votes. He shall notify all committees of their appointments and the assignment of business. He shall sign all official documents when requested. He shall receive and present to the Chapter all correspondence. He shall be charged to respond to all necessary correspondence and shall seek guidance from the Chapter when the mandate of the Chapter does not cover the text of the correspondence.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive all funds on behalf of the Chapter and shall deposit such funds in a bank chosen by the Executive Board and agreed to by the Chapter. He shall keep a complete record of all funds received, carefully noting under what budget the funds are received.
Section 5. The Financial Secretary shall keep records of the budget and expenditures of the various committees and officers. He shall keep a complete record of disbursements as designated by the Chapter and the Executive Board after receiving signed vouchers. He shall keep an accurate record of all bills received by the Chapter, making sure that all debts
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are timely paid. He shall notify members of the status of Chapter, Regional, and National dues: and he shall ensure that all monies are properly transmitted to the National Office in a timely manner.
Section 6. The duties of all other elected officers shall be similar to those duties performed at the national level. The President shall assign specific duties.
Section 7. The President shall determine the duties of appointed officers.
Section 1. The nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at the regular meeting in October. The purpose of the nominating committee is to nominate a slate of candidates to be presented to the Chapter at the regular December meeting. NOMINATIONS WILL BE ALLOWED FROM THE FLOOR.
Section 2. The Chapter shall hold election of officers at the regularly scheduled meeting in December, said officers to be installed and assume office upon election, provided that the candidates are financial with the local Chapter, Region, and National Fraternity.
Section 3. Terms of office shall be for the period of two (2) years, except for the Treasurer, Financial Secretary and the Recording Secretary. All other officers shall serve not more than two consecutive terms.
Section 4. The Chapter President shall make appointments to fill any vacant office with the consent and approval of the Chapter.
Section 1. This Organization shall be consistent with the National Body in fostering a close relationship with said Sorority and to promote a spirit of cooperation at all levels.
Section 1. This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds majority of the financially active members present and voting, provided that no proposed amendment shall be considered unless it shall have been submitted in writing at the previous regular (monthly) business meeting.
Section 2. All questions of parliamentary nature and herein provided shall be decided according to the latest edition of “ROBERT’S RULE OF ORDER”.
Section 1. Funds (general operating and unused funds) - All money paid to the Chapter shall be placed in a general operating budget. Funds unused from the current year budget will be placed in the general operating fund. Special funds may be established as needed (i.e. education, scholarship, social action, Collegiate Affairs, etc.).
Section 2. Disbursements will be determined by budget limitations.
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Section 3. The Body will approve all financial disbursements (that are not included in the approved budget) at regular or special chapter meetings called by the President and a quorum must be present.
Section 4. The accounts of Theta Beta Sigma Chapter shall be audited annually at the regular January meeting. Records shall be made available at all times so that any member desiring information may review said records.
Section 5. Bonding: the Treasurer shall be bonded by a sufficient fidelity bond in an amount set by the National Office and paid by the Chapter.
Section 6. Dues - each member will be required to pay annual dues to the local Chapter. Payment shall be made by the regular schedule meeting in March or each year and a 10% late fee will be assessed after said deadline.
Section 7. The total Chapter expenditures shall not exceed the total anticipated income.
In order to allow this Chapter to develop and operate in an efficient and effective manner, to implement new and innovative programs; and to carry out the mission of the National Fraternity it is proposed by the committee that the following By-Laws be adopted as submitted.
1. The regular monthly meeting shall be held on the first Saturday in every month.
2. At each regularly scheduled monthly meeting a written agenda shall be read to all members present.
3. Whenever an immediate situation occurs the President of the Chapter may call a special meeting.
4. The Secretary shall notify Chapter members regarding the new meeting date, place, time, and provide them with any material necessary seven (7) days prior to said meeting.
5. Any member of this Chapter who attends a meeting, conference, or seminar as a representative shall present a written report to the Body at the next meeting. This report shall be filed with the Secretary.
6. As a general rule, any monies received on behalf of the Chapter shall be properly deposited into the Chapter’s bank account within (3) business days.
7. All checks written by the Chapter shall bear the signatures of any two of the following officers: (1) President, (2) Treasurer, and/or (3) Financial Secretary.
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8. The auditing committee shall receive from the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary all financial records for the calendar year at the January Chapter meeting.
9. The President, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary shall be responsible for forwarding all monies owed to the National, Regional, and State organizations of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated in a timely fashion.
10. The President and Membership Intake Chairman are required to plan and conduct a Membership Informational at least twice a year where each Brother shall bring an interested person (non-Greek) or an inactive Brother.
11. The Chapter Intake Process shall be consistent with the National Constitution and the Fraternity’s National Intake Guidelines.
12. This Chapter shall appoint an Omega Chapter Committee as a standing committee. Their function shall be to induct deceased members in the Omega Chapter.
13. Each Chapter member is required to keep the Secretary informed of their current mailing address and telephone number.
14. The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all financial Chapter members present and voting.
15. The Collegiate Affairs Committee shall consist of the Chapter President, Alumni Advisor to each collegiate chapter and Director of Collegiate Affairs. The purpose of this committee is to ensure that the collegiate chapters in the greater New Orleans area (and/or surrounding parishes) are properly advised, counseled, and assisted in their college careers and in their transition to the alumni chapter.
16. The President and the Director for Collegiate Affairs shall select the graduate advisor for each collegiate Chapter. They will develop and implement a training program for the area, based upon the National Intake Guidelines.
17. The Past President Council shall be a standing committee, shall be composed of all former presidents of Theta Beta Sigma Chapter. The council shall meet at least once every quarter, and shall be responsible for reviewing policies and procedures of the chapter and to make recommendations to the Executive Board. The Chapter President shall assign other responsibilities, as he deems necessary. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Council Chairman and shall be the Council’s representative (and voting member) to the Executive Board.
18. The Executive Board, subject in all respects to the authority and discretion of the Chapter, and between meetings of the Chapter, shall have the power and authority to do and perform all acts which the Chapter itself might do or perform, so long as such acts are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws or with any action taken previously by the Chapter. The Executive Board may make recommendations to the Chapter regarding any matters relating to the Chapter.
19. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of five (5) Executive Board Members present.
20. A quorum of the Chapter shall consist of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Chapter Members present.
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21. In the event of the voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the Chapter, the funds and assets of the Chapter remaining after the payment of all just debts and obligations of the Chapter shall be distributed to such national charitable organizations as the Executive Board shall designate.
Revised May 5, 2001
Bro. _______________________
Glenis Scott, Sr.
President – Theta Beta Sigma Chapter
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, INC.
Beta Sigma Fraternity
About Beta Sigma
Mangayao Sacar. Abdul
Batua. Tagoranao
Malic. Romulo Sacar. Aragasi Bongcarawan. Linog Mama. Kiram Sampao.
Macapado Caye. Macapado Maminggun .
Beta Sigma Fraternity History:
1972 September 17: JAMIATUL
professional brods working at the different offices and institutions in Marawi
City, Lanao del Sur organized the chapter in JPI. The 12 organizers who came
from different schools in Luzon were UP Diliman Brods Roger Aragon ’69 and
Jaime Ramirez, FEU-NRMF’s Gonaranao Mapandi ‘67, Ombra Tamano ‘59, and Erdulfo
Tandoc ‘56, MLQU pioneers Rakiin Sacar ‘67, Serad Sacar ‘67, Moda Pandapatan
‘67, and Mangolamba Hadji Ali ‘67, and UM’s Derado Decampong and Taha
Decampong. Forty eight new brods comprised the pioneer batch....
JPI Pioneer Batch:
Basmala Abbas,
Lingga Macadindang,
Menor Rasol,
Malik Abanto,
Salic Macarambon,
Mahid Sabdullah,
Serad Alonto,
Colman Macaraya,
Aragasi Sacar,
Dauto Magarang,
Mangayao Sacar,
Abdul Batua,
Tagoranao Malic,
Romulo Sacar,
Linog Mama,
Kiram Sampao,
Macapado Caye,
Ali Sarip,
Magsaysay Dibaratun,
Aragasi Mapandi,
Allang Saripada,
Ramon Disomimba,
Disomimba Maulana,
Recto Saromandang,
Lawan Dimakuta,
Maulana Menor,
Mastura Senoden,
Mandangan Domato,
Daud Mitmug,
Nasser Sumali,
Abdul Galman,
Azis Monte,
Pendaton Sultan,
Ali Goling,
Linogaman Nicdao,
Cabib Taher,
Paiso Guro,
Paisal Pacasum,
Mar Taher,
Omar Indol,
Omar Pimping,
Paisal Tomawis,
Lacsasa Maca-ayong,
Amanollah Pundato,
Salem Tubal
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